Decomposing Butterflies

  • Glass Bottle (Heineken).

    A modern GLASS BOTTLE would take 4000 years or more to decompose.

  • Plastic Mask.

    When that PLASTIC MASK breaks up into smaller pieces, it can take as long as 450 years to decompose. PLASTIC does not decompose. This means that all PLASTIC that has ever been produced and has ended up in the environment is still present there in one form or another.

  • Textiles.

    TEXTILES can take up to 200+ years to decompose in landfills.

  • CD.

    It is estimated that it will take over 1 million years for a CD to completely decompose.

  • Marlboro Cigarette Package.

    CIGARETTE filters take 18 months to 10 years or more to decompose.

  • Cigarette.

    120 billion of them are discarded into the environment. WASHED into rivers, lakes and the ocean, EATEN by birds, animals and fish, they are t h e m o s t l i t t e r e d i t em in the U.S. and the world.

  • Plastic Fork.

    It is estimated that PLASTIC CUTLERY such as plastic forks, knives and spoons would take over 200 years to break down take up to 200+ years to decompose.

  • Balloon.

    According to the Environmental Nature Center, LATEX BALLOONS can take anywhere between six months to four years to biodegrade. In the time before they completely decompose, these BALLOONS can still wreak havoc on the ecosystems they end up in — and oftentimes, they do.

  • Bananas.

    The PEELS OF BANANAS take up to 2 years to biodegrade. When placed in a composting environment, banana peel can take as little as 2 days (up to around 10) to fully decompose — considerably better than in a landfill.

  • Aluminum Cans.

    We use over 80,000,000,000 ALUMINUM SODA CANS every year. Aluminum takes 200—500 years to fully decompose in a landfill.